July 28, 2024 Twenty Four, 2024
A radio play for voices and two choruses

Radio play Twenty-four is a recitative poem for voices and two choruses. Vaiva Grainytė’s play interlaces the vocal solos with dense choral textures, creating an atmosphere of mystical rites. The heroine’s inner journey unfolding in the play is an invitation to plunge into dreamlike geological depths, down the unsettling wells of memory and fear. Facing and overcoming them transforms the heroine, as she encounters previous unacknowledged and abandoned parts of herself. The number Twenty-four symbolizes an alchemical union, fulfilment, completeness, and acceptance. The radio play offers a contemporary poetic version of the archetypal hero’s journey – a piece of radio art, a liturgy vocalizing tectonic layers of the unconscious.
Listen here
Playwright and concept author – Vaiva Grainytė
Composer and sound designer – Arturas Bumšteinas
Set designers – Antanas Gerlikas, Kotryna Butautytė
Producers: LRT KLASIKA and Theatre Information centre / “Sirenos” festival
Voices: Julia Karelina, Ieva Labanauskaitė, Augustina Gruzdytė, Jonė Miškinytė, Ugnė Makselytė, Diemantė Merkevičiūtė, Gabrielė Griciūtė, Elena Laurinavičiūtė, Monika Staugaitytė, Justina Mykolaitytė, Urtė Laukaitytė, Armanda Rudelytė, Austėja Masliukaitė, Gertrūda Breivytė, Aleksandra Bondarev, Magdalena Kozlovskaja, Greta Grinevičiūtė, Agata Orlovska, Ieva Rižė, Kamilė Krasauskaitė, Aurelija Bulaukaitė, Liepa Sofija Vareikaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, Agnė Semenovičiūtė, Elmyra Ragimova, LRT children’s choir Sounds: Gailė Griciūtė (physharmonica), Algirdas Biveinis(organ), Kristupas Gikas (flute), Diemantė Merkevičiūtė(violin), Ignas Juzokas (drum machine), and contemporary music ensemble “Synaesthesis”
Premiere dates: November 29, 30, December 1, 2024 Running time: 72 min.
Venue: “Draugų vardai” – music and audio art space, Konstitucijos pr. 12, Vilnius